Home Reviews UBA banking USSD : for beginners

UBA banking USSD : for beginners

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The united bank for africa popularly called UBA is currently one of the biggest players when it comes to the banking industry in africa and they have done a whole lot to make sure that people all over africa can have adequate access to their banking facilities as well as their numerous programs that are set up to boost the economy of most african country under their reach.

they also have a whole lot of banking mediums for their customers such as debit cards which include visa, verve, platinum as well as the globally accepted master card.

they are also fully involves with the go cashless standard which involves them having full roots across the various intenet mediums that are being used for banking today.

they have a token which is used to facilitate online banking and they also have a USSD code technology in place for their customers to make use of.

They also have a mobile application which can be accessed from the google play store or apple app store for download.

however, today we shall be talking solely about the USSD banking system of the united bank for africa.

to make do of the USSD banking system of the united bank of Africa, you will need the following things

The phone number you used while opening your united bank for africa account

you may also be asked for the phone number connected to your bank verification number (BVN), Although only in rare cases.

Lasting, you will need a mobie device, it does not matter the capacity of the mobile device, as long as you can make calls with it, you can use it to operate the united bank for africa USSD banking system. (you do not need internet access or mobile data to use the united bank of africa USSD banking system).

the benefits of using a USSD banking system especially that of the united bank for africa is that

  • it is extremely easy to use
  • it is quick
  • it is efficient
  • you can do so using any device
  • you do not need mobile data to carry out a transaction
  • it is extremely secure and free from hackers

so now we know the benefits of using the united bank of africa banking USD system, let us quickly move to the various transactions you can perform using the united bank for africa USSD banking system

with the united bank for africa ussd banking system, you can carry out the following transactions

  • purchase airtime for yourself
  • purchase airtime for your family or friends
  • purchase mobile data for yourself
  • purchase mobile data for your family or friends
  • send money to other united bank for africa bank account
  • send money to other bank accounts of other banks
  • check your acouunt balance
  • check you acount number and BVN.

Now, i know that you want to know how to get started with the united bank for africa ussd banking system, so you can simply assemble the materials i told you about above which include a mobile phone of any kind and your sim card which you used to open your united bank for africa bank account and then dial the magic number *919#.

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