Home Reviews Top 3 wordpress themes for bloggers

Top 3 wordpress themes for bloggers

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having the right kind of theme on your blog goes a long way to aid the success of your blog, this is because the theme of a website affects the website in a lot of ways ranging from positive to negative ways.

For instance, if you have a bad theme on your website, it can affect the user experience (how comfortable people are when navigating your website), the speed of your website (this will lead to loss of readers who are not patient and it can also do a lot of harm to your search engine optimization).

There is absolutely no need of spending a lot of money building and optimizing your website only for a theme of less than seventy bucks to ruin it all.

So today, i am going to be telling you some of my favourite them that are very compatible and optimized for whatever type of blog you want to create. these themes are very user friendly as well has having an excellent page speed.

Most of them also come with custom page builder and all in one built demos that can be installed in one click.

I know you want to get them now, so let us get started


Optimizepress is a wordpress paid theme that comes with a lot of benefits and features, it has over a hundred already built demo with it and can be easily purchase from the optimize press official website.

The theme has a custom page builder also and is also used because of the flexibility of the builder in building landing pages or sales page.

So if you are planning on monetizing your blog mainly by affiliate marketing and email marketing, investing in purchasing the optimize press theme is a choice you will not regret.

the optimize press theme cost ninety seven dollars ($97) for up to three websites and one hundred and ninety seven dollars ($197) for up to ten websites.


Astra theme is my favorite pick when building business websites for either organisations or companies.

It is a hundred percent compatible with elementor page builder plugin, beaver page builder plugin and a lot more.

It also comes with a lot of free demos which you can automatically import into your website and off course other paid demos that will come with the astra pro theme.

In fact, astra gives you complete control over all the looks of your website.

A free version is available at the wordpress theme directory while you can purchase the premium version at their website.

The astra pro theme cost fifty nine dollars ($59) only.


When it comes to forth generational website designs, divi takes the lead. Divi is a wordpress theme that comes with a lot of module and functionalities as well as a custom and extremely power page builder.

The divi theme also has a bulk of variable demo which you can import without any hassle.

Unfortunately, the divi theme does not have a free version on the wordpress theme directory as you will need to purchase the paid version.

Howver, it is considered as a top premium theme as it cost eighty nine dollars ($89) per year or a one time payment of two hundred and forty nine dollars ($249).

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