Home Reviews Qualities of a good wordpress theme

Qualities of a good wordpress theme

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A wordpress theme is basically what defines the look and movement of your website, it is basically as easy as installing a theme and the theme is make your website to look as the codes define.

So instead of contacting and paying a web developer to design your wordpress look and customize it to your taste and wants, you can simply pick and buy a wordpress theme that fits your match.

WordPress has over a thousand free themes on their theme directory that makes it easy to get started for free. however, so if the free themes are too common or do not fit your taste, you can cnsider buying a premium (paid) theme from the various script and wordpress theme marketplace. the most popular of such marketplace is envato market.

Also, if you want something extremely unique, you should consider hiring a developer or programmer from your local area or online (using upwork) to get a custom theme developed for your website.

so in this journey, you will want to know what you are expect from your theme and that is exactly what i will be telling you in this article today.

so without wasting anymore time, let us get started


There are some dead themes you would install on your website and your website will be so slow that you would surely hate visiting it. so having a theme build with straight forward codes and minimize functions will greatly boost the speed of your website.

to compare the speed of a wordpress theme to another, all you need to do is to activate the theme on a blank website and head straight to gtmetrix..com or google pagespeed insight and key in the name of your domain and the tool will automatically tell you the speed of your theme and most often suggest possible ways to increase the speed of your website if it is technicaly possible.

Remember, if you are started a blog, the speed of your website will be critical to the ranking of your website on the serp and having a fast loading e commerce website would help close more sales and bag in more profit.


Just imagine being lost in a website, if your website is not carefully built using the right theme, your website visitors may find it extremely difficult to navigate across your website pages otherwise called webpages and this leads to a very poor user experience with your website.

basically, you theme should have a minimum of two menus, one at the header and the other at the footer.


Having extremely colorful themes on your website will denote non professionalism and this will affect the trust your audience build with you via your website.

the best websites in the world as extremely simply websites with not more than two colours plus white.

So stop going for all those flashy themes you see around the place and start going for very simple themes that encompasses all the features you require of a theme.

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