Home Reviews Deadly Ways To Build Backlinks

Deadly Ways To Build Backlinks

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we all know that building backlinks or earning them rather is one of the best way outside creating quality contents to rank your blog on the google search result page. but doing so the wrong way will definitely make your blog fall down the blog ranking.

A lot of pro search engine optimization gurus do a lot of things and of course teach people like you these tricks they use to rank quickly. Also you must ensure that these method you use to improve your search ranking does not contradict any of google search webmaster guidelines so that your website does not get penalized.

So today I am about to tell you the various ways you the most common tricks people use to get their blog to rank higher on google that makes google penalize and drop your blog in the search result ranking

Comment spamming

this is the common method of trying to get a link from a blog by simply placing a link to your website by leaving it in the comment space of a blog post.

Not only does comment spamming affect your search engine ranking, it also seriously affects your your relationship with other bloggers because when they begin to see a lot of spam comments from you with a link to your website, they will be tempted to blacklist you, your email and of course your website address.

So if you have being doing it over the time, it is high time you stop.

Also the invention of plugins like askimet that use artificial intelligence to detect spamming comments across a network of websites can also make it extremely difficult to get links using this spam comment strategy

Link swapping

link swapping simply involves contacting someone who runs a blog and offering to send a link to his website if he or she could equally send a link to your website.

it is also called duo linking or backlink exchange and it can be very detrimental when it comes to improving your search ranking on google.

Google has issued warning times without number that the act of link swapping or link exchange will surely and in due time lead to your website being penalized.

Paying for links

this is the worst of all kind of search engine optimization black hat trick. in fact, it is the main reason why a lot of websites do not make it to google’s first result page on the ranking despite the huge budget spent on them on a monthly basis. In this era of internet marketing, doing some things right do not produce results but doing everything right will produce outstanding result.

So do not let your money serve as a problem to you. stop paying for backlinks and let the google search algorithm do its job.

Distributing links via nulled themes and plugins.

although this is not quite common yet, you must know that anything that involves you automatically distributing your links to peoples website either through a script, theme or plugin, will surely result in your website being banned. Remember for links to be considered worthy, they have to be editorially placed.

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