Home Reviews Amazing type of websites you can build with wordpress

Amazing type of websites you can build with wordpress

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WordPress is currently the best and most popular content management software available today, it currently powers over fifty percent of the websites in the world.

the software was initially build to be a blogging software but have since then metamorphosed to be capable of building nearly any website you can think of.

wordpress is mainly built upon the php coding language and has two functional parts in the name of themes and plugins.

A theme defines how your website will look while a plugin in wordpress will add functionalities to your wordpress website. for instance, if you need a contact form on your website, all you need to do is to install a contact form plugin from the wordpress plugin directory and you can easily create a contact form even without any knowledge of coding.

so without wasting any more time, let us quickly head straight to the kind of websites you can build using wordpress.

believe me, by the time we will be done, you will definitely be shocked.


Off course everybody knows about this. wordpress itself is a blogging software and can definitely be used to create all form of blogs with the most complicated technologies and tools to facilitate the online medium.


With the increasing value of online shopping, it has become very rare to find a physical shop with plans of scaling that does not have an online shop.

and wordpress makes the whole process extremely easily with the very powerful wordpress e commerce plugin called woocommerce.

woocommerce is already being used by various e commerce shops across the world and is often rated as one of the top 3 e commerce software in the world.


A job board in a website is a section that allows people to play their various employment opportunities while people looking for jobs can fill in and apply for the jobs they are qualified for.

you can find a very classical example of a job board on the smashing magazine website.


Do you want to create a forum that is specifically meant for answering bulk of questions that are provided by visitors? then wordpress also got you covered. with wordpress self hosted on your server, you can easily build a beautiful question and answer website like quora with the use of plugins built to work the function.

Also, having a custom question and answer theme will make your question and answer website look more responsible and user friendly.


Forums are great way to get user generated questions and contents and they rank for millions of keywords when fully blown.

with great management, you can build a forum and grow it to get amazing traffic daily both organically and via social media shares.

to build a forum using wordpress, you can easily use the BBPRESS plugin which is available for free on the wordpress plugin directory.


With the invention of greater social mediums, videos and audios are fast becoming one of the most popular mediums for passing message and advertising. podcasting is not left out from the trend as the industry keeps on enlarging on a daily basis.

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