Home USA Immigration Jobs in USA that will get you a US Visa

Jobs in USA that will get you a US Visa

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Jobs That Get You A US Visa

If you’re looking to move to the United States, there are a lot of steps that you must take. From finding a job in your desired city to getting a visa, these steps can be very time-consuming and difficult. But don’t worry; we’ve put together a list of the top 10 jobs that get you a US visa when you work for them.

You’ll find information on each type of visa, how much it will cost, and what type of job it is. These jobs not only provide foreign workers with employment opportunities in the United States, but they also give them an opportunity to build their careers while they are here. There are many different types of visas that allow foreign workers to live and work in the United States as well as come and go as they please without having to apply for a new one every time they travel abroad.

Jobs in USA that will get you a US Visa

Have you ever considered moving to the United States? If so, this blog post is for you! We have compiled a list of 10 jobs that are eligible for US visas. These visas give foreign workers the opportunity to build their careers in the United States as well as provide them with a means of transportation to and from any other country they want.

Below are the top 10 jobs that get you a US visa when you work for them:

1. Computer Programmer

2. Computer Systems Analyst

3. Web Designer

4. Graphic Designer

5. Database Administrator

6. Software Engineer

7. Database Developer

8. Technical Writer/Editor

9. Interpreter/Translator

10. Research Assistant

US Citizenship and Immigration Services

US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) is a government agency of the United States Department of Homeland Security that administers immigration to the United States.

The agency has two principal components: U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), which handles immigration benefits, and U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), which handles customs and border protection within the United States and its territories.

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services’ mission is to promote economic growth, safeguard national security, strengthen public safety, homeland security, facilitate international travel, promote lawful immigration to the United States, and provide accurate and useful information to citizens on citizenship issues. END>>

Types of US Visas

If you’re looking to move to the United States, there are a lot of steps that you must take. From finding a job in your desired city to getting a visa, these steps can be very time-consuming and difficult. But don’t worry; we’ve put together a list of the top 10 jobs that get you a US visa when you work for them.

There are many different types of visas that allow foreign workers to live and work in the United States as well as come and go as they please without having to apply for a new one every time they travel abroad.

Cost of a US Visa

The cost of a US visa varies depending on the type of visa you earn. The types of visas that get you a US visa are:

#1 Temporary Worker Visa: $230

#2 H-1B Visa: $460

#3 O-1 Visa: $1,200

#4 R-1 Visa: $2,250

#5 J-1 Visa: $3,000

#6 K-1 Fiancee Visa: $3,000

#7 K-3 Marriage Visa: $3,000

#8 L-1A Visa: $6,800 – $18,400

Job Requirements for a US Visa

To obtain a US visa, you must be employed by an employer that is either a US company or an American business with offices in your desired city. There are also some jobs that qualify for visas, but the employer does not have to be located in the United States.

There are three types of visas:

Employer-based visa: A variety of different types of jobs qualify for this type of visa. The job you had when you applied must be similar to the one that was advertised and posted on USAJobs.gov with the National Visa Center (NVC) in order to be eligible for this type of visa.

Self-sponsored visa: You will need to meet certain requirements, such as being able to pass the medical exam, submit supporting documents, and pay any required fees in order to receive this type of visa if you are coming from Canada or Mexico.

Interpreter-sponsored visa: You must have completed at least one year’s worth of training with an accredited interpreter school or program. You also must be proficient in English and have a degree from your home country that is equivalent to a bachelor’s degree from a US school. This type of visa is good for those who already work as an interpreter overseas but would like to come and work as an interpreter here in the United States.

Job Requirements for a Temporary Visa

The requirements for a temporary visa are relatively simple. There are five main requirements for a temporary visa:

1) You must have a job offer from an employer in the United States that is approved by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).

2) You must have enough money to support yourself while you work in the United States.

3) You must be able to provide proof of your acceptance of the job offer, such as a letter from your prospective employer or confirmation from the USCIS website.

4) You must have strong ties to your home country. This includes relatives and close friends who live there and ties with non-relatives within your home country.

5) You must be willing to return back home when you are required by law to do so. For example, if you get married while in the United States, you will need to return back completely when your marriage is over.

Job Requirements for an H-1B Visa

An H-1B visa is a type of non-immigrant visa that allows foreign workers to work in the United States. To get an H-1B visa, you must have a job offer from a U.S.-based company and you must be able to prove that you meet specific qualifications. Some employers will ask for more than one year of experience in your field of expertise, while others may only require one or two years of experience.

This visa category is available to those who are coming to the U.S. temporarily and not to remain permanently, so it’s important to look out for other visas if you’re looking for permanent residency in the United States. If you’re looking for permanent residency, you’ll need an immigrant visa such as an AOS or EB-2 Visa.

Jobs Requiring an H-1B Visa

Tech jobs

Computer programmer

Software engineer

Database administrator

Computer systems analyst

Computer operations researcher/analyst

Systems software developer

Computer support specialist

What Type of Job Does Each Visa Type Require?

Each type of visa requires different work duties. The H1-B Visa, for example, requires foreign workers to have at least three years of experience working for the company that is sponsoring their application and also requires them to possess a bachelor’s degree or higher from an accredited college. The L-1A Visa only requires one year of work experience in the United States and allows foreign workers to come and go as they please without having to apply for a new visa every time they travel abroad.

Annual US Visitor Visa

The US Visitor Visa gives people who are visiting the United States with no intention of staying in the country an opportunity to visit and explore more of this amazing country with very little restrictions on what they can do while they are here. There is no requirement for anyone who applies for this type of visa to have any special skills or qualifications; thus, all visitors are welcome regardless of their level of education. This visa gives people a chance to see all that America has to offer while being able to return home at any time during their visit.

The 10 Top Jobs That Get You A US Visa

1) Teacher

2) Nurse

3) Doctor

4) IT Professional

5) Hotel Manager

6) Business Development Executive

7) Marketing Executive/Account Manager

8) Public Relations Specialist

9) Engineer

10) Construction Worker

How to Apply for US Visa

The US Visa Application Process:

If you are planning to come to the United States and want to work for a company, one of the first steps that you need to take is applying for a visa. The application process starts with finding an employer in the US who is willing to hire you as a foreign worker. Once you have found your ideal job, it’s time to start filling out your application. Here are some helpful tips on how to get started:

Keep copies of all employment applications – Make sure that you keep copies of all documents that relate to your application so that you can prove your case if needed.

Choose the right type of visa – There are different types of visas available for workers coming from different countries. This includes H-2A, H-2B, O-1, TN, and L-1 visas. It’s important that you choose the correct one for your particular situation.

Have all supporting documents ready – You’ll need to furnish evidence that proves everything in your application; this includes almost anything relevant such as education and work experience. Admissions letters and diplomas can be used in lieu of transcripts or certificates when they are not available online or by mail.

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