Home Reviews 4 ways you didn’t know you could make money online

4 ways you didn’t know you could make money online

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making money online has become more and more popular as the days of 2020 goes by. people who are stuck at home due to the corona virus pandemic which has led to a worldwide lock down now seek for a easier and faster way of making money online that is not a scam.

Yeah, over the years there have being a lot of scamming online programs that have promised people heaven and earth but the main goal of such programs was just to bless some people and leave more people broke and frustrated while the founders run away with a whole lot of money.

what i am going to be taking about today is not a try and luck way of making money online.

in fact, ladies and gentlemen, I am going to be telling you a whole lot (maybe not too much rather) LEGIT wats to make money online in 2020.

so without wasting anymore time, let us get started


Also taking and earning from online surveys cannot be a good source of income, it can actually help you convert your spare time into a good amount of money when calculated together.

Also remember that the leading survey companies in the world pay in dollars, therefore, the money will be reasonable when it is converted to naira.


Facebook is currently an online country and the largest social media in the world. it also allows people to run ads on the platform and a lot of companies as well as small businesses are spending a good chunk of money on a monthly basis on their facebook advertising budget.

so how do you make money with this you may ask, it iss quite easy.

running facebook ads is not as easy as it sounds, somethings, it require specific marketing skills to run ads that would yield results, therefore, you can learn how to run facebook ads profitably and offer your services to small businesses around you.


Do you know that you can teach students online and actually get paid for your time? yes, in this computer age, almost everything is possible.

but at that, i do not advise anyone to trade their time for money especially on the internet, so you can create an online course teaching people a particular thing and place it for sale online.

they are numerous marketplace online such as lynda and udemy where you can sell your courses and get paid off course.

Depending on what you are teaching, an online course can range from ten dollars up to ten thousand dollars.

I am not crazy, people actually sell premium courses for up to ten thousand dollars, if you think i am joking, go check out some of the paid course on Dan Lok website.


If you got a car and you do not always use it, you can choose to either rent it out for some dollars per hour or even drive for uber and make some money.

Transportation is one of the most essential aspect of the economy and you could make a lot of money by just spending your time transporting people or renting out your vehicle.

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